Was It Worth It?
A reader wanted to know whether I thought it was worth it to make the move. Having lived here only two and a half months, it may be a little premature to start reflecting back already, but I'll give it a shot.
Reader's Comment
It has been very interesting to follow your ups and downs as you make your way through a foreign culture and frustrating red tape. Kudos on your successes. Was it all worth it? Would you do it all over again? Is the experience worth all the headaches and inconveniences that went along with it? (Then again, I suppose the headaches ARE part of the experience).
My Response
I would say, yes, it has been worth it and yes, I would do it again. I've only really begun to get settled in. I've bought my apartment, but I haven't moved in yet. I've started learning Spanish, but I'm nowhere near the level I'd like to be at. I've started expanding my business and working more in the local market, but I'm only just beginning. So, things are finally starting to move and I'm getting more comfortable with how things work here.
Just today the last of my things from the U.S. arrived. So, by no means am I ready to really reflect on whether this has been a good long-term decision. However, it has been fun and exciting so far. The headaches have been minor.
I should also point out that I am by no means a "do it yourself" kind of person. I appreciate and respect the value that professionals bring to the table. I hired a visa lawyer to handle my immigration, a corporate lawyer & accountant to help me with my company and business issues, a real estate firm to handle my apartment search, and an architect to do the interior design and renovations to my apartment. Additionally, I have a trusted local partner and my own organization to help me with all other issues that crop up. Things have been very smooth for me and I really don't have any complaints.
In the grand scheme of things, the problems I point out here on the blog are pretty minor. I'm not losing any sleep at all. I'm mostly just trying to inform readers (so they're not surprised) and point out some of the little annoyances I've found about the differences here. I realize that can make this blog seem overly negative at times. There's a whole lot of fun stuff that I don't write about -- my trip to the fútbol match, going out to the pubs and parties with friends, eating out at the great restaurants, and even the good time I have at work each day (I have the privilege to work with a great group of people).
I don't write about this stuff mostly because it's either personal or not something an audience would be interested in, so I'm realizing that not including this can give the incorrect impression that I"m not enjoying myself, which is not the case at all. I even had one person e-mail me and say that I seemed like an "awkward, mostly disagreeable gringo." I couldn't help but laugh a little at that one. People who know me understand that I'm a very agreeable and easy-going person.
So, in summary, I'd venture a guess that a few years down the road, after looking back on everything, I'm going to say it was 100% worth it. Just ask me the question again in a year and you'll get a more accurate answer.
Labels: Living In Argentina